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May’s Member Spotlight: PBS Foundation
For this month, GIA’s photo banner features work supported by PBS. The arts have been a major staple of PBS for almost 50 years. The PBS Foundation provides millions of Americans hundreds of hours of arts programming annually and a front row seat to world-class drama and performances. Read here.
Upcoming Media Impact Forum Tackles Intersection of Arts, Culture, and Media
Join GIA at this year’s Media Impact Forum, hosted annually by Media Impact Funders, which will take place in Philadelphia on Thursday, May 23, exploring the intersection between the arts, culture, and media, and examining funder innovations in support of cultural media. The forum will take a close look at the connection between radio and community and how this format continues to promote civic dialogue to the broadest audiences possible. A livestream will be available on the website of Media Impact Funders for those who cannot attend in person. Click here to register.
From the GIA Reader
In the Winter 2019 issue of the GIA Reader, in “Frequently Un-Asked Questions: Ten tips to assess the integrity of arts studies,” Suzanne Callahan shares ten tips to help guide arts practitioners in assessing the integrity of studies and in deciding whether practitioners should act on or disregard their findings. As Callahan explains, in line with the field’s growing commitment to equity, the tips incorporate some principles of the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA). Read the piece.
Next Week! “Funding in Rural Remote Communities” Webinar
As we think about the unique challenges faced by various communities that are considered rural, funding practices often come packaged for a similar prototype while the term “rural” remains a descriptor for objectively remote communities and bustling cities alike. However, when we focus particularly upon indigenous and native communities in tandem with arts and culture funding, philanthropic practice can look very different.

Join us on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 2pm ET/11am PT to hear from Lindsie Bear, program director of Native Cultures Fund, Humboldt Area Foundation, and Reuben Roqueñi, director of National Artist Fellowships, Native Arts and Cultures Foundation. They will share how they have seen supporting indigenous communities, both remote and rural, and they will offer suggestions for rural and remote arts and culture philanthropic practice for communities across the nation. Details and registration here.
PBS Foundation
News from the Field
Disability in Media: A report tackles representation to advance equality
Judy Heumann, an internationally recognized disability rights leader, joined in 2017 the Ford Foundation for a yearlong fellowship, working with the foundation’s staff to integrate a disability-inclusive perspective across their work. On her own, as a blog post/interview by the Ford Foundation details, she researched the inclusion of disability in film and television…
R&B Singer Khalid Announced the Launch of a Music and Arts Organization
With the goal of helping underserved communities, R&B singer Khalid launched The Great Khalid Foundation, a music and fine arts organization in his hometown of El Paso, Texas, Rolling Stone reported…
A State by State Arts Education Data Collection and Reporting Comparison
The State Data Infrastructure Project in the Arts, a partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts and Education Commission of the States, released recently "50-State Comparison: Arts Education Data Collection and Reporting," a tool that assesses the capacity of all 50 states and the District of Columbia to aggregate and report on arts education data already housed in statewide education data systems…

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