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Join us for the First Ever GIA Virtual Convening!
Save the date for the first GIA Virtual Convening in November. We will be gathering on November 9, 16, and 23 for keynotes and breakout sessions, with an opportunity to join in virtual workshop sessions on November 13 & 20. Visit the conference website to read more here.
The Impact of Covid-19 Upon BIPOC Arts Administrators: A survey
The Arts Administrators of Color Network seeks to better understand the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on BIPOC arts administrators in order to create paths forward. The survey closes on July 3, 2020.

Complete the survey here.
From the GIA Reader
In “The Community ACTS Fund in Colorado,” part of the GIA Reader, Vol 31, No 1 (Winter 2020) issue, Tariana Navas-Nieves – with the input from Tony Garcia – writes about how Denver’s Community ACTS (Arts, Culture, Transformation, and Science) Fund came to be and how it has evolved with a focus on equity through a community-driven process.

Read here.
2019 GIA Annual Report Available
With great excitement, GIA present to you our 2019 annual report as we continue to center racial equity and justice in arts and cultural funding. As we prepared this annual report over the past weeks, it became increasingly important to us that we address not only the enormous, still not fully understood impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, but also the massive effects of incessant violence against Black folx for our peers, our communities, and our field. In this moment, we recognize our complicity in structurally racist systems and commit to movement - movement for supporting Black lives, for the dismantling of systemic racism, and for reimagining and realizing anti-racist cultural funding and philanthropy. You can view the annual report here.
Seattle Office of Arts & Culture
News from the Field
A Radical Imagination Fund for Indigenous Artists and Culture Bearers
NDN Collective recently launched the Radical Imagination Grant to support six Indigenous artists/culture bearers of all traditions, mediums and genres, that will be awarded grants of $50,000, according to the website…
A Coalition Will Bring Together $1 Billion of Impact Investing to the Creative Economy
Upstart Co-Lab, a project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, launched a new coalition that represents $1 billion of impact investing capacity supporting the creative economy, according to the announcement…
LA County's New Cultural Policy To Ensure Every Resident Has Access to Arts and Culture
The Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture announced a new countywide Cultural Policy that provides direction and guidelines for how the LA County and its departments "will ensure that every resident of LA County has meaningful access to arts and culture"…
Introducing Oakland's Just City Cultural Fund
Belonging in Oakland: A Just City Cultural Fund is a new multi-year program that will fund Oakland cultural practitioners of color to radically reimagine a racially just city, according to the recent announcement…

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