Weekly Updates for GIA Members 
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2020 Conference Logo
See You Next Week at the #GIARemixd Virtual Convening
The countdown has officially started! We’re a week away from celebrating together the 2020 GIA Virtual Convening, Power, Practice, Resilience | Remix’d. You can still register to celebrate with us from your home communities at our annual gathering. Throughout this convening month, we encourage you to join the conversation in social media using the hashtags #GIARemixd and #GIArts2020. To see the full list of offerings over the five days of convening, to register, and to obtain more details, click here.
Grantmakers in the Arts’ Newest Members
GIA is pleased to introduce our newest members, ArtsBuild, Essex County Community Foundation, Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation, Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture, The Builders Initiative, and Creative Arkansas Community Hub & Exchange. Welcome!
November Member Spotlight
For the month of November, GIA’s photo banner features work supported by Alternate ROOTS. The organization was founded in 1976 at the Highlander Center in New Market, Tennessee to meet the needs of artists committed to making work in, with, by, for and about their communities, and those whose cultural work strives for social justice. Read more here.
From the GIA Reader
In the poem “Migration,” part of the Summer 2020 issue of the GIA Reader (Volume 31, No. 2), Jenny George offers a poignant take on the personal experience of migrating. Click to read.
Tomorrow is Election Day!
Grantmakers in the Arts encourages to cast your vote, if you haven't already! This challenging year is a reminder that voting is your right. Advocacy counts every day and so does your voice!
Alternate ROOTS
News from the Field
What We’re Reading: “Expanding the Arts Across the Juvenile Justice System”
The Education Commission of the States released a policy brief that "captures the discussion, insights and policy considerations that came out of a Thinkers Meeting with 11 experts in the arts education and juvenile justice fields. It builds on the report, Engaging the Arts Across the Juvenile Justice System, by providing examples for building sustainable, arts-based programming”…
“Quantum Theory Helps Us Understand Black Revolutionary Theatre"
In “The Quantum Nature of Black Revolutionary Theatre” part of Black Theatre Commons’ A Call for Revolutionary Theatre 2020 series, Sage Crump discusses how quantum ideas “evident in nature and how our communities organize outside of government control, can support honing the practice of Black Revolutionary Theatre”…
In Case You Missed It: “Capturing Value and Preserving Neighborhood Identity”
A recent report describes tools that cultural districts can use to spur investment and create new revenue streams while protecting the local character and neighborhood identity…

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Grantmakers in the Arts
522 Courtlandt Avenue, 1st Floor
Bronx, NY 10451-5008
United States

(929) 452-3740

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