Weekly Updates for GIA Members 
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Grantmakers in the Arts’ Newest Members
GIA is pleased to introduce our newest members, Threewalls and Langston. Welcome!

If you haven’t renewed your membership yet, click here to get started!
Celebrating Black Voices during Black History Month
Happy Black History Month! We at GIA are excited to share content with you this month to express appreciation and celebration for the wonderful contributions Black people have made to the United States. This month, we look forward to sharing some of our favorite historical facts, artwork, and media over the next few weeks in exploration of the strength, essence, and power of Blackness.
Developing a Liberatory Consciousness in Funding: Podcast alert!
With our first podcast of 2021, we begin with a new federal administration and unresolved challenges for racial equity and justice. There is much work to be done to realize our vision for the future we want. So, now what? What sorts of mindset shifts and frameworks will be helpful? In this podcast, Dr. Barbara J. Love, consultant, author, lecturer, and the founder of the framework, Liberatory Conscious, will discuss how to develop a mindset that can lead us to even more drastic change both within and outside of our institutions. Click here to listen!
“GIA’s Annual Research on Support for Arts and Culture” Webinar
Join GIA’s first webinar of 2021 on February 23 to hear from Reina Mukai (Candid.), Ryan Stubbs and Patricia Mullaney-Loss (National Assembly of State Arts Agencies) as they discuss the latest edition of GIA’s funder snapshot. They will share a summary of key findings and insights into what these findings reveal about the current arts grantmaking environment.

Details and registration here.
Longhouse at The Evergreen State College
News from the Field
A Path for Arts and Gig Workers in California: A new report
A new report examines how recent labor policies intended to improve conditions for independent workers affect arts workers. The report Arts Workers in California: Creating a More Inclusive Social Contract to Meet Arts Workers’ and Other Independent Contractors’ Needs emphasizes “the need to reimagine employment policies for the future of artists and gig workers”…
In Case You Missed It: Three years of Borealis Philanthropy’s Racial Equity in Philanthropy Fund
In a recent email, Borealis Philanthropy reflects on the first three years of the Racial Equity in Philanthropy Fund, 2020 learnings, and how their commitment to “racial equity values and practice shows up beyond the job”…
What We’re Reading: Who is Gagosian’s new director and curator?
Antwaun Sargent, who for about a decade, has written about and curated exhibitions devoted to Black artists, as ArtNews reported, has been named Gagosian’s new director and curator. His first show, according to The New York Times, will examine what he calls “notions of Black space”…

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Grantmakers in the Arts
522 Courtlandt Avenue, 1st Floor
Bronx, NY 10451-5008
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(929) 452-3740

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