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2015 Conference Logo
Thank You for a Great Conference
On behalf of the board of directors and staff of Grantmakers in the Arts, I want to thank all registrants, speakers, and artists who made our time together in Los Angeles engaging and memorable. We have sent a survey to all who registered and I hope you'll send us back your thoughts and suggestions. We are, indeed, a field that is “better together” and I hope to see you all in St. Paul on October 16-19, 2016!!

Janet Brown, GIA President & CEO
Los Angeles Conference Proceedings
If you haven't already, please do check out the posts from the GIA 2015 Conference blog. Lara Davis and Barry Hessenius have both reported on their experiences from the conference, and you're welcome to add your comments. Video from the plenaries will be going up in the next few weeks, so watch for those as well.
New from the GIA Reader: Public Funding for the Arts: 2015 Update
GIA Reader, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall 2015)
In the annual report from NASAA on public funding trends, Ryan Stubbs and Henry Clapp update the data from 2015 in the Reader article, Public Funding for the Arts: 2015 Update.
GIA Web Conference Looks at Rural Arts Funding
The next GIA Web Conference, The Secret Sauce for Rural Arts Funding in America, will be held on Tuesday, November 17. Arni Fishbaugh and Cinda Holt, of the Montana Arts Council, will explore the ingredients important to making a successful recipe for rural arts funding in America.
California Arts Council

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Grantmakers in the Arts
522 Courtlandt Avenue, 1st Floor
Bronx, NY 10451-5008
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(929) 452-3740

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