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Building a Stronger ALAANA Arts Community: Keeping an Eye on Systems
By Janet Brown, President & CEO, Grantmakers in the Arts and Angelique Power, Program Director, Culture, The Joyce Foundation, and GIA Board Member

Grantmakers in the Arts is committed to promoting racial equity in arts philanthropy and increasing support for Asian, Latino/a, African, Arab, and Native American (ALAANA) artists, arts organizations, and communities. Our statement of purpose for this work, published in March 2015, comes after five years of internal discussions, workshops, articles, and forums led by a small learning group consisting of social justice funders and those concerned with social justice.

Read the full post.
Web Conference Series Begins February 2
Socio-Emotional Impacts of the Arts in Early Childhood: 15 Years of Research will be the first session of the 2016 Web Conference Series. It will be held on Tuesday, February 2 at 2pm EST / 11am PST. Eleanor Brown, of West Chester University, and Sunil Iyengar, from the National Endowment for the Arts, will present.

Register to attend this web conference.
LA Conference Video: Rip Rapson and Maria Rosario Jackson in Conversation
GIA 2015 Conference: Maria Rosario Jackson and Rip Rapson in Conversation
Watch the keynote presentation from the Monday Luncheon Plenary of the GIA 2015 Conference in Los Angeles. More video is available on the GIA Website.
New from the GIA Reader: Introducing Community Innovation Labs
GIA Reader, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall 2015)
In Introducing Community Innovation Labs, an article from the latest issue of GIA Reader, Richard Evans and Karina Mangu-Ward from EmcArts describe a new approach to harvesting the power of the arts to unlock complex problems at the community level.
Idaho Commission on the Arts
News from the Field
Chicago Public Schools Arts Education Data Updated in Ingenuity Report
Ingenuity, a hub of arts information, advocacy, strategy, and partnerships based in Chicago, has released its annual progress report examining arts education in Chicago Public Schools in the 2014-15 school year…
New ‘Playbook’ Helps Foundations and Nonprofits Respond to Disasters
Grant makers and nonprofits have a new resource to help boost their effectiveness when communities face major disasters like Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy…
Preserving and Enhancing Arts Education through the Every Student Succeeds Act
The Arts Education Funders Coalition (AEFC), supported by Grantmakers in the Arts, worked over the past 3 years to ensure that arts education was preserved and enhanced within the Elementary and Secondary Education Act…
Creating Spaces: Performing Artists in Sacred Spaces
Partners for Sacred Places has released a report of findings from the Three-City Arts Study that facilitates long-term, mutually beneficial space-sharing relationships between arts organizations and houses of worship with space to share…
Lessons in Cultural Participation and Financial Sustainability
Ted Russell, Senior Program Officer at The James Irvine Foundation, has announced the release of a new report, Investing in Cultural Participation and Financial Sustainability, that evaluates the work from the Arts Regional Initiative…

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(929) 452-3740

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