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GIA Podcast: Justin Laing on Reflections of GIA Board Service
GIA Podcast
New on the GIA Podcast, we speak with former GIA board member Justin Laing from The Heinz Endowments about his recent service on the GIA board, racial equity, and his hopes for the future of our field. The GIA Podcast is a new and ongoing program featuring brief interviews with leaders in the field of arts philanthropy.
April 26 Web Conference: Building a Racially Diverse Organization
The next GIA Web Conference, Building a Racially Diverse Organization: A Case Study on Recruiting and Retaining ALAANA Staff, will be held on Tuesday, April 26 at 2pm EDT / 11am PDT. Pat O’Brien and Sharon DeMark from Minnesota Philanthropy Partners, together with consultant Beth Zemsky, will share initial successes, lessons, and the ongoing process of making the organization a more inclusive workplace for African, Latino/a, Asian, Arab, and Native American (ALAANA) staff persons.

Related material from the GIA archive: You may also be interested a previously recorded web conference, Holding on to What We’ve Got: Retaining Emerging Arts Leaders in the Field.
New from the GIA Reader: In Appreciation of Words
GIA Reader, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Winter 2016)
In an article in the latest issue of the GIA Reader entitled “In Appreciation of Words,” Irene Borger, Eleanor Savage, and Travis Laughlin examine the body of knowledge embedded in words such as “story” and “activate.”
The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage
News from the Field
A Cultural Equity Approach to Arts Leadership Development
In an article published on, Carlton Turner, executive director of Alternate ROOTS, advocates for an alternative model of arts leadership development for organizations that serve communities of color…
Artists, Investors, and Innovators Join Together to Launch Upstart Co-Lab
A new organization called Upstart Co-Lab aims to increase opportunities for artists as innovators, catalyze more capital for creativity…
D5 Coalition Releases Final State of the Work Report
The final State of the Work report focuses on “stories of people in foundations who have taken action to advance [diversity, equity, and inclusion]…
Hewlett Report Evaluates Impact and Reach of its Performing Arts Grantmaking
In a blog post by John McGuirk, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has announced a report assessing the progress of their Performing Arts Program…
Strategies for Philanthropic Organizations to Address Workplace Diversity
In philanthropy, creating a workforce that reflects the rich diversity of backgrounds and experiences of the communities we strive to serve builds public trust in our field…

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