Register for the 2016 GIA Conference
You can register now for the 2016 GIA Conference, that will be held October 16-19 in Saint Paul, MN. Join over 400 of your peers from across the US and Canada to learn and network while experiencing the welcoming community of Saint Paul.
Roberto Bedoya on Upcoming GIA Web Series on Grantmaking Practices
In a special blog post, cultural activist and former GIA board member Roberto Bedoya shares his thoughts on the upcoming GIA web conference series, “Practices for Advancing Racial Equity in Arts Grantmaking,” within the context of GIA’s commitment to increase philanthropic and government support for ALAANA artists and arts organizations. This special series will feature arts funders discussing the practices they are using to promote greater equity in their grantmaking
Registration is now open for individual sessions or the entire series.
New GIA Members
GIA is pleased to introduce two new members that joined in June, City of Boise Department of Arts & History and John & Marcia Goldman Foundation. Welcome!
A funder panel on supporting racial equity included Edwin Torres, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; Marian Godfrey, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation; Susan Feder, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; and Janet Brown, Grantmakers in the Arts…
[T]he educational program #EduHam, which makes select Wednesday afternoon performances of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway smash Hamilton available to New York City schools with a high concentration of students from low-income families for the ticket price of only $10, has been an extraordinary success…
The interactive mapping and research tool includes a wide array of search functions and data visualization features to explore funding trends, funder networks, types of grantmaking, populations served and much more…