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2016 GIA Conference: Early Registration Rate Ends August 31
The early registration rate for the 2016 GIA Conference ends on August 31. Beginning September 1, conference registration for GIA members will increase to $625. Register today to secure your discounted rate.
Monday IDEA LAB at the 2016 GIA Conference
Monday’s IDEA LAB at the GIA Conference will start the day with thought-provoking presentations by innovative artists and thought leaders:
Sarah Bellamy
Sarah Bellamy (pictured above) is a playwright, educator, and co-artistic director of Penumbra Theatre – one of the leading African American theatres in the country.

John Davis is the founder and executive director of Lanesboro Arts and has over 25 years of experience working for creative social change in small towns and rural areas.

Mohamed Farah is co-founder of Ka Joog, an award-winning organization enriching the lives of Somali American youth through the arts, education, mentoring, and employment.
New from the GIA Reader: Supporting Artists in Community Settings
GIA Reader, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2016)
In the spring of 2016, GIA hosted a forum of thought leaders to discuss how funders can better support artists working in community settings such as teaching artists and artists working in cross-sector environments. For the summer edition of the GIA Reader, Margaret Hasse summarizes the fruitful conversation from that day, while Eric Booth draws out some of the overarching themes to help envision future action.
Barr Foundation
News from the Field
Aroha Philanthropies Announces Inaugural Seeding Artful Aging Grant Cohort
Fifteen organizations were chosen to partner with Aroha Philanthropies in a seminal initiative designed to support the development and expansion of successful Artful Aging programs…
The New York Community Trust Releases Report on Collaborative Funding Projects
The Trust has partnered with over 140 funders, distributing $119 million across 20 collaborative funds. The report discusses outcomes and lessons learned from these projects…
Kindle Project’s New ‘Boomerang’ Funding Program Lets Grantees Pay It Forward
Kindle Project, an experimental philanthropy lab, has announced a new grantmaking program called Boomerang which aims to give artist grantees the ability to help shape the distribution of philanthropic dollars…

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