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2016 GIA Conference: Early Registration Rate Ends August 31
The early registration rate for the 2016 GIA Conference ends on August 31. Beginning September 1, conference registration for GIA members will increase to $625. Register today to secure your discounted rate.
Preconference: Access to a Lifetime of Arts Education
Grantmakers supporting K-12 arts education and those interested in arts programs for older adults are encouraged to attend the Sunday preconference, Access to a Lifetime of Arts Education: Every Child, Every Adult. Held at the MacPhail Center for Music in Minneapolis, which serves as a model of programs for both youth and older adults, the morning will include an interactive session to help grantmakers ensure equitable practices in teaching artist training and program implementation. The afternoon will include two breakout sessions: “Connecting the Arts Education Data Dots” for K-12 funders and “Creative Aging through the Arts” for those interested in the growing field of arts and aging.

If you have already registered for the conference and would like to add this preconference to your registration, click here.

Please note: The Building Equity in Support for Individual Artists preconference is now sold out.
New from the GIA Reader: NYC Addresses Diversity in the Cultural Workforce
GIA Reader, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2016)
In an article in the latest issue of the GIA Reader, New York City Addresses Diversity in the Cultural Workforce, Deputy Commissioner Edwin Torres reflects on the results of a recent survey of the racial demographics of arts and culture organizations in New York City.
Barr Foundation
News from the Field
LA County Arts Commission Releases Literature Review on Public Engagement in the Arts
The report explores different ways in which “public engagement” can be defined and practiced…
Herb Alpert Foundation Endowment Provides Free Tuition for Los Angeles Music Students
The endowment will provide tuition free attendance at Los Angeles City College to all music majors, the largest gift ever for a Southern California Community College…
Roberto Bedoya Named Cultural Affairs Manager for the City of Oakland
Bedoya will oversee the City’s Cultural Affairs Unit, housed in the City’s Department of Economic and Workforce Development…
Grantee Inclusion: A Step Towards Mutual Accountability?
In a recent article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Justin Laing writes about grantee inclusion as “a critical and important step toward mutual accountability…
Joint Affinity Groups (JAG) Transforms into CHANGE Philanthropy
The coalition works “to raise the level of dialogue and shift practice among funders so that philanthropic dollars are dispersed through equitable practices”…
Mid-America Arts Alliance CEO Mary Kennedy Resigns
Kennedy, who has held the position since 2002, has resigned her position effective October 1, 2016. Kennedy’s decision to resign comes after 27 years of service to M-AAA…

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