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Funding Evidence-Based Research for Equitable Arts Education Engagement
Following the release of recent research by Brookings Institute, GIA asked Jane Best, director of the Arts Education Partnership, and Bao-Long Chu, program officer at Houston Endowment, to write a collaborative blog post reflecting on the benefits of arts education, with a primary focus on the first two years of Houston’s Arts Access Initiative. The post explores philanthropy's role in longitudinal arts education research in order to support increase funding and access to all students. Read the piece here.
From the GIA Reader
In the Winter 2019 issue of the GIA Reader, in “Place Finding: A Transdisciplinary Deep Dive,” Rene Yung, an artist and cultural activist and a native of Hong Kong living in San Francisco, addresses how “presence and absence are flip sides of the same coin in the migrant’s journey of finding place and belonging.” Yung discusses her creative work and how she approaches it as “a process of uncovering, and making visible and heard, and connecting the dots to reveal unexpected relationships in a step toward social and cultural justice.” Read the piece here.
Webinar Alert! “Arts Funding, Storytelling, and the Importance of Narrative Change”
Grantmakers in the Arts is a community of practice with a shared vision of investing in arts and culture as strategy for social change. One of the major issues we are exploring is dominant and/or mainstream narratives that continue to live on and perpetuate racialized practices and outcomes. With a system that is not broken, but rather structured intentionally to foster inequitable and unjust outcomes, the need for narrative change is more urgent now than ever.

We seek to elevate the importance of changing narratives among arts and culture funders, and we invite you to join us kick off this narrative change series.

Join us this Thursday, May 2, at 2pm ET/11am PT to hear from Vanessa Camarena-Arredondo, Beloved Community Fund program officer, Akonadi Foundation, and Rinku Sen, writer and political strategist. They will anchor the series with a discussion on the national discourse around narrative change, how artists are using storytelling to facilitate this shift, and what this means for funders. Details and registration here.
“Funding in Rural Remote Communities” Webinar
As we think about the unique challenges that face various communities that are considered rural, funding practices often come packaged for a similar prototype while the term “rural” remains a descriptor for objectively remote communities and bustling cities alike. However, when we think particularly about indigenous and native communities in tandem with arts and culture funding, philanthropic practice can look very different.

Join us on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 2pm ET/11am PT to hear from Lindsie Bear, program director of Native Cultures Fund, Humboldt Area Foundation, and Reuben Roqueñi, director of National Artist Fellowships, Native Arts and Cultures Foundation. They will share how they have seen supporting indigenous communities, both remote and rural, and they will offer suggestions for rural and remote arts and culture philanthropic practice for communities across the nation. Details and registration here.
The Field Foundation
News from the Field
A Call to Renew Philanthropy's Engagement with Rural America
In response to the "philanthropic neglect of rural, small city and suburban communities in the region," The Heartland Fund, a donor collaborative housed at the Windward Fund, was launched in 2018 by the Franciscan Sisters of Mercy and the Wallace Global Fund, according to a piece in the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy…
25 Artists Propose New Monuments in Houston, Part of a Traveling Public Art Exhibition
“Imagine a monument for today, for your city, for your community.” That's the question “New Monuments for New Cities,” a public art project, asked local artists when encouraging them to create proposals (in the form of posters) for new monuments. Houston, Austin, Chicago, Toronto, and New York City will produce an exhibition of the resulting 25 artworks specific to their site, as ArtNews reports…
Investing for Community Development: A report for the NYC Inclusive Creative Economy Fund
The first annual impact report on the NYC Inclusive Creative Economy Fund, released by LISC NYC, looks at the creative economy as a driver of comprehensive community development…
Culture Change is Possible Through Weavers
A column in The New York Times is devoted to those who are combating social isolation, at a local level: community builders, weaving the social fabric…

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