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Member Spotlight on the Graham Foundation
For the month of September, GIA's photo banner features projects recently supported by the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. Founded in 1956, the Chicago-based foundation makes grants to individuals and organizations around the world for projects that advance new scholarship in the field of architecture, fuel creative experimentation and critical dialogue, and expand opportunities for public engagement with architecture and its role in contemporary society.
Next GIA Web Conference Presents the Annual Research Snapshot
On September 29, the next GIA Web Conference, GIA’s Annual Research on Support for Arts and Culture, will feature Steven Lawrence of the Foundation Center and Ryan Stubbs from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. They will present the latest data in the annual arts funding snapshot.

Register to attend this Web Conference.
2015 Conference Logo
IDEA LAB Artists Appearing at LA Conference
The GIA 2015 Conference in Los Angeles will again feature the engaging and popular IDEA LAB sessions. The slate of excellent artists who will take part this year include Alison M. De La Cruz, Alexandra Grant, crystal am nelson, Aaron Paley, Yuval Sharon, and Rosten Woo.

We've reached our capacity for the conference, so online registration is closed. We are excited for this response to the 2015 conference and are eager to host an energized and productive convening. On behalf of the Los Angeles Conference Planning Committee and the GIA board and staff, thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing many of you in Los Angeles.
New from the GIA Reader: The CUNY Dance Initiative
GIA Reader, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Summer 2015)
Julia del Palacio and Alyssa Alpine, both from the City University of New York (CUNY), look at the ways the CUNY Dance Initiative works to enhance the cultural fabric of the college system (as well as the city) in the Reader article, The CUNY Dance Initiative: Building Bridges through Vacant Spaces.
Graham Foundation
News from the Field
Colorado Arts Groups Take Sides In Battle Over Millions in Funding
Front Range arts groups have begun squaring off heatedly over how to divide the millions of dollars in tax subsidies that come their way each year, especially as estimates show the pot could grow to $87 million annually…
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Among Recipients of 2014 National Medals of Arts
President Barack Obama will present the 2014 National Medals of Arts in conjunction with the National Humanities Medals on Thursday, September 10, 2015, at 3pm EDT/noon PDT in an East Room ceremony at the White House…
Part of Your World: On the Arts and Wellbeing
The latest feature article from the folks at Createquity looks at how the arts contributes broadly to our wellbeing: For all our never-ending debates about how and whether to measure the impact of the arts, our field may be well poised to contribute to this complex but fascinating dialogue that spans so many disciplines and decades…
NEA Webinar Examines Music Therapy, Music Listening, and the Cancer Experience
On Wednesday, September 16, 3pm EDT/noon PDT, the National Endowment for the Arts Task Force on the Arts and Human Development will hold a public webinar to cover some recent innovations in healthcare…
Research Center for Arts and Culture Will Join The Actors Fund to Extend Legacy
The Research Center for Arts and Culture (RCAC) — which provides data, information and programming in service of artists and the arts — is joining The Actors Fund in New York City to create The Legacy Project

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Grantmakers in the Arts
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Bronx, NY 10451-5008
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(929) 452-3740

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