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2015 Conference Logo
LA Conference Includes Broad, MOCA Museum Visits
GIA 2015 Conference attendees will have the opportunity to visit the newly opened Broad Museum. The viewing will be on Tuesday evening, October 20, just prior to the dinner at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), which is just across the street. All registered attendees and registered guests are invited as part of the conference program.

Read about this and other conference events on the conference website.
Upcoming Web Conference Presents the Annual Research Snapshot
On September 29, the next GIA Web Conference, GIA’s Annual Research on Support for Arts and Culture, will look at the latest data in the arts funding snapshot. Steven Lawrence of the Foundation Center and Ryan Stubbs from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies will present.

Register to attend this Web Conference.
GIA Among Leaders in Nonprofit Arts
Barry’s Blog has produced its annual Top 50 Most Powerful and Influential Leaders in the Nonprofit Arts in America. The list is full of GIA members, and many current members of the GIA Board of Directors, including the sitting Board chair, Robert Booker, and GIA President & CEO, Janet Brown.
Graham Foundation
News from the Field
ArtsWave Announces New Goals for Next Chapter
ArtsWave isn’t just an ATM for Cincinnati’s cultural institutions and efforts. Yes, the nonprofit supports over 100 local organizations with the nation’s oldest and largest community campaign for the arts…
Minnesota Leads the Way in Cultivating Rural Arts Initiatives
Earlier this week, NPQ reported on a novel approach to civic engagement in Minneapolis: artist residencies in city planning departments, aimed at sparking fresh ideas for solving urban issues…
National Arts in Education Week Underway
Americans for the Arts will be focusing on issues of Arts Education on September 13-19. National Arts in Education week is a national celebration recognizing the arts importance to a well-rounded education…
Could Effective Altruism Destroy the Arts?
Gary Steuer, President and CEO of the Bonfils-Stanton Foundation continues the discussion on effective altruism that is being held on the opinion pages of The Washington Post

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