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2015 Conference Logo
LA Conference Countdown
We're off to Los Angeles to get everything ready for the 2015 GIA Conference. The conference gets started on Sunday, October 18 and runs through Wednesday, October 21. You can follow the proceedings by looking up the hashtag #giarts on social media (if you are attending, please use that hashtag for your tweets and posts).

Our conference bloggers this year will be Lara Davis from Seattle Office of Arts and Culture and Barry Hessenius from WESTAF. You can check up on their posts at the conference blog,

If you'll be joining us in Los Angeles, watch for your welcome email on Wednesday morning. It will provide you with some useful information to get your feet on the ground in LA. We can't wait to see you there!
GIA Office Closure
So, we'll be in Los Angeles for a few days. The GIA offices will be closed beginning on Thursday, October 15, and will re-open on Monday, October 26. If, during those days, you need to reach us, please email Noah Barnes at
California Arts Council
News from the Field
DeVos Institute Releases Study on Black and Latino Arts Organizations
[A] new national study paints a bleak economic picture of African American and Latino nonprofit museums and performing arts companies and suggests that donors may have to let weaker organizations wither so that the strongest ones can grow…
Help for the Carolinas and Other Areas Impacted by Disaster
The National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response has recently updated the Essential Guidelines for Arts Responders Organizing in the Aftermath of Disaster: How to Help and Support your Local Artists, Arts-related Small Businesses, and Arts Organizations…

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Grantmakers in the Arts
522 Courtlandt Avenue, 1st Floor
Bronx, NY 10451-5008
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(929) 452-3740

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