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GIA Web Conference Looks at Advocacy and Lobbying
The next GIA Web Conference, Advocacy and Lobbying: How Foundations Can Change Public Policy, will be held on Tuesday, December 8. Private foundations have long been active in changing public policy to champion their missions and support the greater good. The return on investment in policy work can be huge and long-lasting. GIA President & CEO Janet Brown will present.
New from the GIA Reader: Funding at the Intersection of Art and Environment
GIA Reader, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall 2015)
In an article from the latest issue of GIA Reader, Alexis Frasz of Helicon Collaborative provides a summarization of a series of interviews with arts funders in Funding at the Intersection of Art and Environment: A Field Scan.
New GIA Members
GIA is pleased to introduce three new members that joined in November, The Oregon Community Foundation, Paramount Pictures, and St. Johns Cultural Council. Welcome!
Windgate Charitable Foundation
News from the Field
How to Keep a City’s Economic Growth from Destroying its Cultural Soul?
It may not seem that way if you’re an artist struggling to pay the rent, but San Francisco is one of the world’s leaders in supporting the arts…
National Nonprofit Arts & Culture Sector Recovering from Recession Despite Declines in Contributed Income
From Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance: Cultural groups continue to recover from the Great Recession, with revenue increasing 7% and attendance up 3% from 2009 to 2012. This is despite significant drops in most sources of contributed support…

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