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Building a Stronger ALAANA Arts Community: Keeping an Eye on Systems
By Janet Brown, President & CEO, Grantmakers in the Arts and Angelique Power, Program Director, Culture, The Joyce Foundation, and GIA Board Member

Grantmakers in the Arts is committed to promoting racial equity in arts philanthropy and increasing support for Asian, Latino/a, African, Arab, and Native American (ALAANA) artists, arts organizations, and communities. Our statement of purpose for this work, published in March 2015, comes after five years of internal discussions, workshops, articles, and forums led by a small learning group consisting of social justice funders and those concerned with social justice.

Read the full post.
February 2 Web Conference: Socio-Emotional Impacts of the Arts in Early Childhood
Socio-Emotional Impacts of the Arts in Early Childhood: 15 Years of Research will be the first session of the 2016 Web Conference Series. It will be held on Tuesday, February 2 at 2pm EST / 11am PST. Eleanor Brown, of West Chester University, and Sunil Iyengar, from the National Endowment for the Arts, will present.

Register to attend this web conference.
LA Conference Video: Tuesday IDEA LAB
GIA 2015 Conference: Tuesday IDEA LAB
Watch the presentation of three artists: Rosten Woo, crystal am nelson, and Aaron Paley from the Tuesday IDEA LAB at the GIA 2015 Conference in Los Angeles. More video is available on the GIA Website.
New from the GIA Reader: Democratizing Education: Democratizing Leadership?
GIA Reader, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall 2015)
In Democratizing Education: Democratizing Leadership?, an article from the latest issue of GIA Reader, Dallas Shelby and Gail Crider, from National Arts Strategies, look at the massive open online courses (MOOCs) and their affect on the development of leadership in the arts and culture sector.
Idaho Commission on the Arts
News from the Field
APAP Presents MK Wegmann With Fan Taylor Distinguished Service Award
The Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP) have named MK Wegmann with the Fan Taylor Distinguished Service Award for exemplary service to the field of professional presenting. The award was presented on January 18 at the APAP|NYC Conference…
New Report Checks Boston Arts Funding With Major American Cities
With Boston’s Mayor having just announced new funding for the city’s arts community, a new report examines the current state of Boston’s arts community in places it in the context of 10 other cities…
Boston Mayor Announces $1 Million in Arts Funding
From Malcom Gay at The Boston Globe: Taking action to increase arts funding in the city of Boston, Mayor Martin J. Walsh is unveiling three arts-related programs with a combined budget of $1 million…
What’s Ahead for US Philanthropy and Cuban Arts and Culture
In December 2015, the website Cuban Art News interviewed Ben Rodríguez-Cubeñas — co-founder and board chair of the Cuban Artists Fund, as well as director of the Culpeper Arts and Culture program at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund — about Cuban art and culture, US philanthropy in Cuba…

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