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Introducing the GIA Podcast
Grantmakers in the Arts presents the GIA Podcast, a new program featuring interviews with leaders in the field of arts philanthropy. These short podcasts (6-7 minutes) are designed to easily fit into a busy schedule and offer concise sector insights for grantmakers.
April Web Conference: Building a Racially Diverse Organization
The next GIA Web Conference, Building a Racially Diverse Organization: A Case Study on Recruiting and Retaining ALAANA Staff, will be held on Tuesday, April 26 at 2pm EDT / 11am PDT. Pat O’Brien and Sharon DeMark from Minnesota Philanthropy Partners, together with consultant Beth Zemsky, will share initial successes, lessons, and the ongoing process of making the organization a more inclusive workplace for African, Latino/a, Asian, Arab, and Native American (ALAANA) staff persons.

Related material from the GIA archive: You may also be interested in watching Dr. Manual Pastor’s keynote presentation on changing racial demographics, from the GIA 2011 Conference in San Francisco.
New from the GIA Reader: Telling It Slant
GIA Reader, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Winter 2016)
In an article from the latest issue of GIA Reader, Cara Mertes of the Ford Foundation discusses the role of film and filmmakers in creating social change in Telling it Slant: Leadership, Justice, and the Art of Film.
New GIA Member
GIA is pleased to introduce a new member that joined in March, Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture. Welcome!
The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage
News from the Field
Washington Regional Assn. of Grantmakers Shares Resources from Racial Equity Learning Series
Resources from Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers’ Putting Racism on the Table learning series are available online…
What Does It Mean for Artists to Sustain a Career in the Gig Economy?
In his post on, Steven J. Tepper offers four pieces of advice for institutions to better support artists in the gig economy…
Levitt Pavilions Sunsets, Combines National Programs Under Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation
Beginning [April 2016], the work of the national nonprofit, Levitt Pavilions, will be carried out by the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation, furthering its mission to strengthen communities across the country through free, live music…
Getty Foundation Funds Pacific Standard Time with Nearly $14 Million in Grants
The Getty Foundation has awarded nearly $14 million in grants to support their second edition of Pacific Standard Time, a regional collaborative effort of 46 art exhibitions and events…

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