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Web Conference Series on Racial Equity in Grantmaking
GIA’s web conference series, Practices for Advancing Racial Equity in Arts Grantmaking, continues on Tuesday, August 2. The third and fourth sessions will explore practices funders can use to advance racial equity during the grant cycle.
Tuesday, August 2
Before the Deadline: Spreading the Word and Technical Assistance

Thursday, August 4
Before and After the Decisions: Panel Review Process and Post-Cycle Support
2016 Conference Logo
IDEA LAB at the GIA Conference
Arleta Little
On Monday and Tuesday at the GIA Conference, the IDEA LAB will start the day with thought-provoking inspiration. Each IDEA LAB will be hosted by Arleta Little (The McKnight Foundation, pictured above) and will feature three presentations by innovative artists and thought leaders who continue to break barriers and challenge the norm.

The 2016 GIA Conference will be held October 16-19 in Saint Paul, MN. Register for the conference today!
New from the GIA Reader: A Tribute to Robert E. Gard
GIA Reader, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2016)
The latest issue of the GIA Reader features four articles that pay tribute to rural arts advocate Robert E. Gard. In her opening letter, Grantmakers in the Arts President & CEO Janet Brown recounts how she met Gard and how his work has influenced her career. An article by his daughter, Maryo Gard Ewell, describes how her father developed his influential work and publication, The Arts in the Small Community: A National Plan. Michael Warlum, who worked for Robert Gard at Wisconsin Idea Theatre, reflects on the continued influence of The Arts in the Small Community fifty years after its publication. Maryo Gard Ewell also edited a book of selected writings by her late father, which Dudley Cocke has reviewed for this issue.
New GIA Members
GIA is pleased to introduce three new members that joined in July, Chamber Music America, Denver Arts & Venues, Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation, and Open Society Foundations. Welcome!
Barr Foundation
News from the Field
#ReasonsForHope Campaign Highlights Social Justice Issues
A bevy of philanthropic leaders from over 30 organizations signed a letter, published in the New York Times and The Washington Post on Sunday…
Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis Announces CULTURE/SHIFT Convening
The CULTURE/SHIFT 2016 convening will take place November 17-19 and aims to generate and amplify creative strategies for social change…
Former NEA Chairman Frank Hodsoll Passes Away
As the NEA’s fourth chairman, Hodsoll served from 1981 to 1989 under President Ronald Reagan…
Canada Reinvents its Arts Funding Strategy
A recent article in The Washington Post highlights Canada’s shifting approach to arts funding and how it compares to common approaches in the United States and other Western countries…

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Bronx, NY 10451-5008
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(929) 452-3740

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