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Conference Sessions Now Online
The full list and descriptions of sessions at the 2016 GIA Conference are now available online. Visit the Conference Sessions page to learn more about the wide variety of session content on topics including arts education, capitalization, funding partnerships, racial equity, and other topics of relevance to arts funders.

The 2016 GIA Conference will be held October 16-19 in Saint Paul, MN. Register for the conference today!
New from the GIA Reader: The Collective Creativity of Anna and Lawrence Halprin
GIA Reader, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2016)
In the latest issue of the GIA Reader, Alison B. Hirsch writes on The Collective Creativity of Anna and Lawrence Halprin. The article explores the couple’s innovative artistic experiments that combined Anna’s dance choreography with Lawrence’s background in landscape architecture.
Capitalization Workshops in Your City
Last month, GIA held five successful Conversations on Capitalization and Community workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area. Specialized workshops were held separately for funders and nonprofit grantees, focusing on what each group can do to support the financial health of nonprofit arts and culture organizations. Over 45 funding organizations and 170 nonprofit grantees were in attendance. The next capitalization workshops will be held in Denver, CO, on August 24-25.

Want to bring Conversations on Capitalization and Community to your city? GIA is now booking workshops for 2017. Contact SuJ’n Chon for more information.
Barr Foundation
News from the Field
Alan W. Cooper to Retire from Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation announced that executive director Alan W. Cooper will retire effective May 2017. He has been with MAAF since 1994 and served on the GIA Board of Directors from 2006-2011…
Lawmakers Restore $7.7M in Funding for Massachusetts Cultural Council
House and Senate lawmakers restored funding to the Massachusetts Cultural Council, reversing Gov. Charlie Baker’s state budget veto. The fiscal year 2017 budget lawmakers sent to the governor’s desk in July included $14 million for arts, humanities and sciences programs through the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency…
#ReasonsForHope Campaign Highlights Social Justice Issues
A bevy of philanthropic leaders from over 30 organizations signed a letter, published in the New York Times and The Washington Post on Sunday…

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