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2016 GIA Conference: Early Registration Rate Ends August 31
The early registration rate for the 2016 GIA Conference ends on August 31. Beginning September 1, conference registration for GIA members will increase to $625. Register today to secure your discounted rate.
Preconference: Access to a Lifetime of Arts Education
Grantmakers supporting K-12 arts education and those interested in arts programs for older adults are encouraged to attend the Sunday preconference, Access to a Lifetime of Arts Education: Every Child, Every Adult. Held at the MacPhail Center for Music in Minneapolis, which serves as a model of programs for both youth and older adults, the morning will include an interactive session to help grantmakers ensure equitable practices in teaching artist training and program implementation. The afternoon will include two breakout sessions: “Connecting the Arts Education Data Dots” for K-12 funders and “Creative Aging through the Arts” for those interested in the growing field of arts and aging.

If you have already registered for the conference and would like to add this preconference to your registration, click here.
New from the GIA Reader: A More Equitable World Because of Theatre
GIA Reader, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2016)
In an article in the latest issue of the Reader, A More Equitable World Because of Theatre, Theresa Eyring of Theatre Communications Group details the organization’s efforts to develop its equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiative – from board-level conversations and learning to program implementation.
Barr Foundation
News from the Field
Kindle Project’s New ‘Boomerang’ Funding Program Lets Grantees Pay It Forward
Kindle Project, an experimental philanthropy lab, has announced a new grantmaking program called Boomerang which aims to give artist grantees the ability to help shape the distribution of philanthropic dollars…
National Endowment for the Arts Nominated for a 2016 Primetime Emmy Award
The National Endowment for the Arts’ digital story series United States of Arts has been nominated for a 2016 Primetime Emmy Award in the Outstanding Short Form Nonfiction or Reality Series category…
Robert Gard: Poet, Prophet, Pioneer
By Janet Brown, from her blog Better Together: In 1980, when I was living in New York City, I had a conversation with a man who at one time was general manager of Lincoln Center. We debated, rather heatedly, his premise that the National Endowment for the Arts should give money only to states that produce “good” art — in other words, New York…
Joyce Foundation Names Tracie D. Hall as Director of Culture Program
The Joyce Foundation has announced that Tracie D. Hall, currently deputy commissioner of the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, has been appointed director of the foundation’s culture program…

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