Organized by Diane Sanchez, director of grantmaking & donor services, East Bay Community Foundation; Anne Vally, senior program officer, special initiatives, The James Irvine Foundation.
Presented by Joanie McBrien, dramaturg and development director, Shotgun Players; Laura Zucker, executive director, Los Angeles County Arts Commission.
Nine California community foundations have taken on the challenge of catalyzing new financial support for local artists and small to midsize arts organizations—with significant results. In this highly interactive session, attendees will learn the key elements in the program design of The James Irvine Foundation's Communities Advancing the Arts initiative, representing a $9 million investment between 2004 and 2011, and understand how to apply “what worked” at their own institutions. One community foundation in the initiative, the East Bay Community Foundation, together with a participating arts organization, will share how its strategies unfolded, and a public arts funder, the Los Angeles County Arts Commission, will share how it is adapting the program to reach individual artists.