2016 GIA Conference
Saint Paul, MN   October 16–19
A Confluence of People, Cultures, and Ideas

Capitalization: Putting the Concepts into Practice

Monday, October 17, 2:00pm – 3:15pm

Governors I

Organized and presented by Kate Barr, Executive Director, Nonprofits Assistance Fund.

Many grantmakers, with GIA’s leadership, have developed a greater understanding of capitalization over the past five years. Now it is time to put this knowledge into practice by supporting healthy capitalization for arts and culture partners. Kate Barr will share eight lessons learned through Nonprofits Assistance Fund’s investment of capital into arts and culture organizations, and practices that grantmakers can apply in their work. Examples will include case studies of organizations that have leveraged capital. Barr will also highlight new programs from NAF that incorporate capital investments, new management practices, and technical assistance. The session will include opportunities for participants to share their success stories or works in progress as they support capitalization principles for their grantees.