A National Conversation About Advancing Trans Equity
Monday, October 22, 10:00am – 11:30am
Organized by Krista Bradley, director of programs and resources, Association of Performing Arts Professionals; and Jane Preston, deputy director, New England Foundation for the Arts.
Moderated by Jane Preston, deputy director, New England Foundation for the Arts. Presented by Krista Bradley, director of programs and resources, Association of Performing Arts Professionals; Sean Dorsey, artistic director, Sean Dorsey Dance; Maurine Knighton, program director for the Arts, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation; Alexander Lee, project director, Grantmakers United for Trans Communities; Honey Mohagany, co-founder, Compton’s Transgender Cultural District; Ted Russell, associate director of Arts Strategy & Ventures, Kenneth Rainin Foundation; and Shawana Virago, artistic director, San Francisco Transgender Film Festival.
This session offers a facilitated, participatory, national conversation about the future of Trans equity in the arts conceptualized by Sean Dorsey, award winning, nationally recognized Bay Area transgender choreographer, artistic director, dancer, and advocate in conversation with Ted Russell, Kenneth Rainin Foundation; Maurine Knighton, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation; Alex Lee, Grantmakers United for Transgender Communities, and co-organized by Jane Preston, New England Foundation for the Arts and Krista Bradley, Association of Performing Arts Professionals. While GIA and other organizations have made some strides toward equity, our field has yet to address Trans equity. Join us for a practical conversation exploring where we are now, where we want to get to, and how we get there. Drawing upon concrete models and lessons learned from other models of equity, we will explore what strategic, policy, and structural changes are needed to transform the arts field and truly advance Trans equity (including Trans leadership). Are you currently prioritizing transgender and gender-nonconforming people in your funding portfolio and institutional structure? Yes? Join us! No? Join us! Everyone is welcome: especially if you’re nervous, especially if this is new to you, and especially if you’re passionate about equity and justice.