1999 Conference Proceedings
1999 Conference Proceedings
Strengthening the Arts Through Policy, Performance and Practice
Strengthening the Arts Through Policy, Performance and Practice
Hotel Nikko
San Francisco, California
November 1417, 1999
As we prepared to enter a new millennium, Grantmakers in the Arts devoted its 1999 conference to considering both the theories and practice that shape our work as arts funders. We set the stage by exploring the national philanthropic landscape, and the role of the arts in that environment. We followed with an exciting array of sessions and breakfast roundtables that focused on practical topics of specific interest to GIA members, among them: arts education, cultural policy development, trends in evaluation, investments in audience participation, leadership issues, individual artist and general operating support programs, and work in the for-profit/non-profit intersection. At the conclusion of the conference, we will enlist a team of technology experts to help us envision what's next for arts grantmakers—a “new philanthropy” for the digital age?