Who Are Our Constituents?
Tuesday, October 8, 9:50am – 10:50am
Organized and moderated by Laura Zucker, Executive Director, Los Angeles County Arts Commission.
Presented by Glyn Northington, Group Manager, Community Relations, Target, and Huong Vu Bozarth, Community Investor, Arts, Culture and Civic, The Boeing Company.
Borrowing a concept form the for-profit sector, what does grantmaking look like if we try to think about those we serve as constituents? Are we in a business-to-business model, generally characterized as a collaborative relationship between organizations, neither of which is the actual end-user (constituent)? Or are we in a business-to-consumer model, serving constituents directly? Different types of funders will answer this question differently, some identifying the artists and arts organizations that deliver services, others the community members those arts groups ultimately reach. Can we do both effectively? Clarifying a constituency can be a game changer. Join us as we explore how constituents drive programs and mission.