Arts Grantmakers’ Changes in Practice
Register your Support for the Arts Education for All Act
GIA Invites you to join us in supporting this legislation
Arts Funders Respond
Engaging the Political Climate
GIA understands that changes in the national political climate have impacted the arts and our communities. Arts Funders Respond is an opportunity to learn and share strategies, statements, news, and other resources to support arts grantmakers as they navigate and respond to the changing political landscape.
Resource Hub
Black Arts & Cultural Funding and Justice
Throughout this resource hub, we aim to amplify funds and resources that explicitly center Black artists, cultural communities, and experiences.
Video from the GIA 2021 Conference are now available for streaming.
The Racial Equity Coding Project: Unpacking The “Why”
In this first of a three-part discussion, we are joined by Susan Feder, Adam Fong, and Maurine Knighton, as they discuss the Racial Equity Coding Project, why it was started, their experience with the earliest iterations of the coding measures, and how their reflections will inform steps forward.
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