Monograph: The Quality and Nature of Corporate Support for the Arts

Kate Prescott

2007, 15 pages. Americans for the Arts, 1000 Vermont Ave. NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20005, 202-371-2830,

This monograph reports the findings of a study conducted by Prescott and Associates designed to provide a better understanding of the state of corporate giving to the arts. The study was conducted in response to the report that charitable corporate giving to the arts dropped 65 percent between 2000 and 2005. Interviews were conducted with a targeted number of "good corporate arts citi-zens" to better understand the impact of their recent corporate philanthropy to the arts. The monograph includes information on their motivations, priorities, means, and examples of barriers to corporate support of the arts. It also outlines some of the reasons for the overall decline in corporate support in the last five years and concludes with suggestions of ways that arts organizations and arts councils can strengthen their corporate relationships.