"Struggling Nonprofits Beg Foundations to Cut the Red Tape": In case you missed it

An article in Westword tackles how nonprofit leaders relate to foundations and power imbalance, among other obstacles they face.

The piece discusses an open letter Jami Duffy, executive director of Youth on Record, sent to foundations in mid-January, "imploring them to stop wasting nonprofits’ resources with pointless reporting, cohorts and marketing requirements," as Westword reports.

Duffy's letter reads,

You can be part of the solution by providing unrestricted, multi-year funding. No hoops. No applications. No reports. Just faith that the trusted providers of services, the community builders and innovators, have doubled down on doing what we’ve always done. Serving, Protecting. Building. Dreaming. Filling the gaps. And keeping our communities alive and whole.

Read the article here.

Image: Jerzy Górecki / Pixabay