Ryan Stubbs

Ryan Stubbs

March 9, 2017 by admin


 Arts Funding Snapshot: GIA’s Annual Research on Support for Arts and Culture (3 Mb)

Earned income and private giving make up the largest share of arts funding in the United States, but government funds are an essential piece of the arts ecosystem. Public investments in the arts are citizen driven and beholden to the public interest. They support inclusive experiences, promulgated by representative democracy covering every part of the country.

October 14, 2015 by admin

The arts in America are supported by a complex mix of funds, including individual contributions, corporate and foundation support, earned revenues, and government grants. Although government funds comprise a modest percentage of total arts income, they are an essential part of the American arts ecosystem, supporting community arts development, achieving a wide geographic dispersal of grants, and making arts funds accessible to communities that may have limited access to other resources.

February 28, 2014 by admin
GIA is pleased to republish this State Arts Agency Fact Sheet: Support for Individual Artists, originally developed by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA.) We look forward to the day when we’ll have this kind of data on support for individual artists from private philanthropy as well.