Maryo Gard Ewell and the Robert E. Gard Wisconsin Idea Foundation recently shared with Art of the Rural this never-before digitally published manuscript from Robert Gard’s 1982 keynote address at the National Association of Local Arts Agencies Conference (now Americans for the Arts) in Philadelphia. The talk is entitled "The Arts in Smaller Communities (And their Encouragement)."
GIA Blog
With a massive boost in state funding for arts and cultural programs, Florida would likely jump to near the top of all states in per-capita spending. The Florida Legislature approved $43.3 million for the 2014-15 budget for all arts and culture, a 384 percent increase from current levels.
From Barbara Pollack at ARTnews:
Jesse Rosen, President & CEO of the League of American Orchestras writes on Huffington Post:
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From Sam Cholke at DNAinfo Chicago:
The current issue of Foundation Review from the Johnson Center at Grand Valley State University has a focus on racial equity for foundations. A subscription is needed to see the full contents online, but executive summaries are available to all.
Philamplify an initiative of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy is, at its heart, a series of comprehensive reports conducted by highly regarded researchers assessing foundation grantmaking and operations. Assessments include key findings and recommendations, along with in-depth analysis of foundations’ funding strategies. By keeping these assessments public, Philamplify seeks to build a culture of transparency, mutual accountability and knowledge sharing.
From Craig Watson, director of the California Arts Council, writing for Western City:
Barry Hessenius posts to Barry’s Blog: