From Courtney Balestier, for The New York Times:
GIA Blog
The Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP) has released SnaapShot 2012, updating the annual report with 2011 data on arts graduates careers, salaries, and other data from over 33,000 arts alumni in America. SNAAP has also produced the report, An Uneven Canvas: Inequalities in Artistic Training and Careers, that details findings from more than 65,000 arts alumni of all ages from 120 institutions in the United States and Canada.
By Janet Brown, from her blog Better Together:
Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) initiated discussions among a group of social justice funders a year ago in an effort to begin to understand structural racism and to analyze how institutionalized racism may affect arts philanthropy.
The latest post from Angie Kim’s blog Private Foundations Plus:
From Deborah Vankin and the Los Angeles Times:
Arts Alliance Illinois and the Illinois Arts Council Agency held the 2013 One State Together in the Arts conference in late July for arts leaders, advocates and practitioners in Illinois. Video of the speakers is now available online
From Tim Delaney and Lisa Maruyama at Huffington Post:
Some timely thinking on the arts, populism, and equity by Ian David Moss on Createquity.
From Jeff Sommer, writing for The New York Times:
That critique wouldn’t be surprising if it came from an underappreciated artist, scientist or technologist. But it’s being made in what may seem an unexpected quarter: the offices of the federal government. It’s the verdict of the experts who measure the American economy.
From Mary Plummer,
Arts educator Carl Schafer of Upland, has been on a campaign to increase that instruction for a year. And in his effort, he found a line in the California education code that shocked him: the state requires arts to be taught to California students.