From Steven Ross Pomeroy, assistant editor for Real Clear Science, for Scientific American:
GIA Blog
A blog post from Roberto Bedoya, Executive Director of the Tucson Pima Arts Council, for Arts in a Changing America:
From Lucas Kavner at Huffington Post:
The Economist launched an online debate on the question: Should governments fund the arts?. Opening statements were posted on August 22 and the debate concludes on August 30 with some continuing post-debate material after that. Debate Proposer is Alan Davey, Chief executive of the Arts Council England while the opposer is Pete Spence, a research associate at the Adam Smith Institute. The debate is being moderated by Emily Bobrow, a culture editor for The Economist.
From Artplace:
The South Carolina Arts Commission’s Folklife and Traditional Arts Program, in collaboration with the University of South Carolina’s McKissick Museum, has launched the third phase of the Survey of South Carolina’s Tradition Bearers. Tradition bearers practice traditional arts handed down from generation to generation in an informal manner and not in a classroom.
From Barry Hessenius at Barry's Blog:
The James Irvine Foundation has reinvented their annual report with an interactive design intended to be more inviting and accessible.
Philanthropy Northwest will host a four-session series of webinars this Fall to explore in depth issues of evaluation. The series, Embedding Evaluation Thinking & Practices into Your Strategy and Programs begins Wednesday, September 19, with the session Current Thinking and Practices in Evaluation.
From Kim Cook, Nonprofit Finance Fund, for #artsmgtchat: