Thursday, 3-26-09, the Senate approved HR 1388, a bill that would greatly expand federally sponsored volunteer programs, marking the latest collaboration between Massachusetts Democrat Ted Kennedy and Utah Republican Orrin Hatch. Known as the Serve America Act, the Kennedy-Hatch bill … Continue reading
GIA Blog
“Washington continues to be consumed by economic turmoil, but cultural professionals say they are cautiously optimistic about the future of the arts under President Obama. Among the positive signs: The $50 million in stimulus money going to the National Endowment … Continue reading
GIA board member John Killacky, San Francisco Foundation.
Three senators introduced legislation Tuesday intended to encourage foundations to give away more of their money. The measure would change the way foundations are taxed on their investment income, replacing the current two-tiered system with a single tax rate. Foundations … Continue reading
This from the November 5, 1999 New York Times. ”Today Congress voted to update the rules that have governed financial services since the Great Depression and replace them with a system for the 21st century,” Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers … Continue reading
In seeking a competitive edge, several states are incorporating arts and cultural exchanges in their economic development approaches. The arts are a potent force in the economic life of cities and rural areas nationwide. Many states have invested in the … Continue reading
There seems to be a spate of news about what’s selling well during the recession, including Candy NPR News Romantic Fiction Broadway shows Tattoos And, of course in addition to the obvious, what’s down: Shark attacks Urban Crime
The report, released this month by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, argued that foundations should meet a handful of benchmarks to practice “philanthropy at its best,” including making half their annual grants to “lower-income communities, communities of color and … Continue reading
A new report, Patterns of Singularity is discussed on the Jewish blog. The report examines Jewish philanthropy during the current recession. Read More or download Patterns of Singularity
Many sectors of the economy have slowed to a crawl, and law firms are finding their associates with time on their hands. It’s a blessing for nonprofits, who face their own financial challenges, that many firms are stepping up their … Continue reading