No matter your political persuasion, your age, background or place of residence, your professional role or disciplinary affiliation, if you work in the nonprofit cultural sector, Barack Obama’s presidential campaign holds lessons for you. The campaign marks a watershed in … Continue reading
GIA Blog
“We plan to honor grant commitments made in 2008 and previous years, and we also plan to increase the percentage of our endowment that will be paid out in grants in 2009. However, it is likely that the Foundation won’t … Continue reading
“The Impact Fund is designed to respond to immediate needs for safety net services and programs for our most vulnerable community members. Food security, domestic violence support, housing, childcare, and foster youth assistance are the top priorities during this crisis.” … Continue reading
“JPMorgan Chase & Co. announced that it intends to match in 2009 Washington Mutual’s 2008 level of corporate philanthropy in Washington state, which was $2.6 million.” Read more.
After several years of increases, giving by Minnesota foundations and corporate grantmakers is expected to decline in 2009, a new report from the Minnesota Council on Foundations finds. Based on a survey of grantmakers representing 70 percent of the grant … Continue reading
These reports from The Foundation Center provide data on philanthropic giving during recent recessions. Giving in the Aftermath of September 11: Final Update on the Foundation and Corporate Response, provides a comprehensive overview of the more than $1.1 billion of … Continue reading
Here’s a concise history of Federal Cultural Programs of the 1930s by Don Adams and Arlene Goldbard.
President of the Reinvestment Fund and Federal Reserve Board Member in Philadelphia, Jeremy Nowak presented a rousing explanation of how we got into this mess that included some insightful thoughts about the role of the arts in civil society. You … Continue reading
Andrew Taylor, Director of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration, blogs some big-picture thinking on “the idea of the ‘adaptive cycle,’ a recurring pattern that appears in most natural, social, market, or other systems, at different speeds and scales over … Continue reading
With the economy in the toilet, the topic of nonprofit mergers is on the rise in the foundation community. Here are five quick ideas for how foundations can help make mergers happen: 1) Combine. Make it known that if two … Continue reading