Overall Climate for Nonprofit Fundraising Worst Since 1998, Report Finds

Nonprofit professionals reported the lowest level of confidence in the fundraising climate in more than a decade, the latest edition of the Philanthropic Giving Index (PGI) from the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University finds.

Based on a semi-annual national survey of nonprofit fundraising professionals, the index includes three fundraising measures—overall PGI, the Present Situation Index (PSI), and the Expectations Index (EI)—scored on a 0 to 100 scale. In the most recent survey, the overall PGI was 64.8, a decline of 21.7 percent from six months ago and a 27 percent decrease since December 2007. Since the index was launched in 1998, the overall PGI has ranged from a previous low of 72.3 in the summer of 2003 to a high of 94.6 in December of 1999. Read More.