Organized by San San Wong, director of grants, San Francisco Arts Commission.
Presented by Marcelle Hinand Cady, principal, Helicon Collaborative; Lorraine Garcia-Nakata; commissioner, San Francisco Arts Commission.
The San Francisco Arts Commission is undertaking a review of its 19-year-old Cultural Equity Grants Program, which was borne out of the civil rights movements and Expansion Arts programs, but designed to be future-facing towards a time of the “emergent majority.” We will share findings from three studies, including the Cultural Equity Grants Program review, conducted by Helicon Collaborative, that looks at its impact, as well as the evolution and current landscape of cultural equity in San Francisco and nationally. At this time of shifting demographics, we seek to engage our fellow arts funders to better understand and embrace the arts and cultural practices, and their “place” within culturally diverse communities. How do we as arts funders, develop culturally sensitive grantmaking strategies that can strengthen organic artistic practices and community development?.