GIA Blog

Posted on May 18, 2016 by Monica

A recent article in The Chronicle of Philanthropy highlights a growing trend among funders of moving beyond the "overhead myth" to supporting the "real costs" of nonprofits. Grantmakers in the Arts’ National Capitalization Project was highlighted as one effort working to move the needle on foundation support for nonprofit financial health. The article entitled “Foundations Show Signs of Moving Beyond ‘Overhead Myth’” is available to paid subscribers of The Chronicle of Philanthropy.

Posted on May 18, 2016 by Steve

In the latest issue of the GIA Reader is a transcript of an inspiring keynote presentation entitled “The Risk of Hopelessness” by Carlton Turner, executive director of Alternate ROOTS, about the legacy of racial injustice and the need for systemic change.

Posted on May 17, 2016 by Monica

A report has been released summarizing the latest Salzburg Global Seminar session in the Culture, Arts and Society series – "Beyond Green: The Arts as a Catalyst for Sustainability." The report, written by Holly Sidford and Alexis Frasz of the Helicon Collaborative, covers discussions from the various plenary sessions, on the role of art, design, cities, philanthropy and policy to advance sustainability, as well as working group recommendations.

Posted on May 17, 2016 by Monica

Intermedia Arts, in conjunction with Americans for the Arts / Animating Democracy, has released a study called “Options for Community Arts Training & Support” conducted by William Cleveland and the Center for the Study of Art and Community. The purpose of the study is to provide greater understanding of the demand and availability of arts-based community development training and to investigate how the benefits of Intermedia Arts' Creative Community Leadership Institute could be made accessible for a broader range of communities. Part two of the study is a field scan of training and support opportunities related to community arts in the U.S.

Posted on May 16, 2016 by Steve

New on the GIA Podcast, we speak with Gay Hanna from the National Center for Creative Aging as she readies for retirement after serving over 30 years managing in the arts, education, and health sectors.

Posted on May 16, 2016 by Monica

By Joanna Woronkowicz, writing for

Artists are all too familiar with the act of juggling multiple jobs in order to sustain their art work. While for many multiple jobholding is an economic necessity, as the original gig workers artists may have a competitive edge to sustaining work in the new gig economy. In other words, since artists have been effectively managing gig work for ages, we can learn something from observing the employment behavior of artists in terms of strategies for all workers on how to succeed in the gig economy.
Posted on May 13, 2016 by Monica

Sphinx Organization, a Detroit-based group that provides classical music education programs and advocacy for musicians of color, has released the following statement penned by President and Artistic Director Afa S. Dworkin:

At a recent meeting convened by the National Endowment for the Arts with national arts service organizations, the now former Executive Director/CEO of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) made comments widely construed as racist, short-sighted and patently false. NAfME found it untenable to expect effective leadership from a CEO who ascribes to regressive ideas about education. As President and Artistic Director of Sphinx Organization, whose work resides at the intersection of social justice and the arts, I felt compelled to speak up and challenge our field with a question: what lessons will we draw so as to ensure true change occurs?
Posted on May 12, 2016 by Steve

In an article in the latest issue of the GIA Reader entitled “The Summit on Creativity and Aging in America,” Beth Bienvenu and Gay Hanna summarize key takeaways from the national summit.

Posted on May 12, 2016 by Monica

In the latest post on Nonprofit with Balls, Vu Le reflects on his experience at the Grantmakers for Effective Organizations conference last week. The post offers insights on hopeful trends in philanthropy with regard to how organizations address racial equity, how trust is built between funders and grantees, and how funders can better serve the needs of organizations and movements.

Posted on May 11, 2016 by Monica

The City of Santa Monica Community and Cultural Services Department has hired Shannon Daut to lead its Cultural Affairs Division. Daut comes to Santa Monica from the Alaska State Council of the Arts—a statewide organization that represents, supports, and advances the creative endeavors of individuals, organizations, and agencies throughout Alaska. She served as its Executive Director for five years. Daut is on the board of the National Performance Network and the Western States Arts Federation.