In an article from the latest issue of GIA Reader, Alexis Frasz of Helicon Collaborative provides a summarization of a series of interviews with arts funders in Funding at the Intersection of Art and Environment: A Field Scan.
GIA Blog
From Cy Musiker, reporting fro KQED:
From Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance:
Arts and culture practitioners, funders, and community leaders made up nearly one-third of the participants at this year's National Rural Assembly. The cohort of participants grew from previous gatherings and discussions and collectively agreed that rural arts and culture are essential to the health, wealth, and sustainability of rural communities.
From Sarah Favot, at the Los Angeles Daily News:
A message from ArtsReady:
Last week’s horrific events in Paris remind us that cultural gathering spaces can be targets of violence. While we hope you will never experience an act of violence at your organization, our partners at ArtsReady have an array of resources to help your organization improve its security and to train your staff/volunteers in key safety procedures.
On Friday, November 20, at 10:30 am EST, the Ford Foundation will be conducting a live chat Q&A session on Facebook. Three of Ford's vice presidents, including Hilary Pennington, Vice President, Education, Creativity, and Free Expression will be answering questions about the foundation's new program areas and how they will work together to address inequality. They will also answer questions on the foundation's commitment to fund grantee overhead costs at higher levels than in its past.
An Exploratory Study of Demographic Diversity in the Arts Management Workforce, authored by Antonio C. Cuyler, assistant professor of arts administration, Department of Art Education, Florida State University, outlines the results of a study of demographic diversity in the arts management.
From Donna Bryson, at The Christian Science Monitor:
From Lisa L. Colangelo, Ben Chapman from the New York Daily News: