From Cheryl Strauss Einhorn, writing for CNNMoney:
GIA Blog
Today on Createquity: John Carnwath provides a detailed look at the proposed cap on federal income tax deductions for contributions that is part of the President's budget proposal, and what the effect on nonprofits might be.
Barry's Blog interviews Carol Coletta, who was recently hired by the Knight Foundation as vice president/community and national initiatives, a position she will take up next month.
From Morgan Smith at The New York Times:
From Louis Lavelle at Bloomberg Businessweek:
From Elizabeth Blair for National Public Radio's All Things Considered:
From Janet Brown from her blog Better Together
Grantmakers in the Arts is in the midst of presenting Conversations on Capitalization and Community in five cities over two months so my mind is a bit warped with an excess of nonprofit financial health talk. Making a profit for nonprofits isn’t easy because we fight public perceptions that we should have no profits, funding criteria that punishes profit and a professional norm that encourages any profit be spent on making the product of the nonprofit better.
From Doug Herbert, writing for the U.S. Department of Education's Homeroom blog:
From Vikki Spruill, writing for the Council on Foundations RE:Philanthropy blog:
Bob Lynch, President and CEO of Americans for the Arts, was interviewed by Jeffrey Brown last week for the PBS program NewsHour's Art Beat segment discussing how the federal government sequestration is affecting the arts in the United States. Lynch explains how funding for the National Endowment for the Arts is leveraged across the country on a state and local level.