Arts Funding Trends
Each year, GIA partners with Foundation Center and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) to research and report on national public and private arts funding trends. A major ten-year study was completed in 1993 and updated in 1995, 1998, and 2003. Since then, GIA has published an annual update to this research in the Reader and on its website.
In spring 2009, GIA commissioned Helicon Collaborative to provide an overview of the recession’s effects on arts funders. We interviewed twenty-two diverse funders and reviewed results of electronic surveys of arts funders conducted by GIA and New York Grantmakers in the Arts. The findings were published in the summer 2009 Reader.
Read More...Key findings of this report are based on arts grants of $10,000 or more reported to the Foundation Center by 1,154 of the largest U.S. foundations.
Arts Funding Snapshot 2005 (445K)
In October 2005, the Canada Council for the Arts published preliminary findings in a study, "Comparisons of Arts Funding in Selected Countries." This research on the part of the Council is intended to "support the case that additional arts funding is needed in Canada in order for Canadian arts organizations and artists to thrive and to function on the same level as their peers in other countries." Its findings are available on the Canada Council's web site.
Read More...The magnitude and distribution of foundation arts and culture grants in 2004 are the most significant findings of this report. Key findings of the report, based on arts grants of $10,000 or more reported to the Foundation Center by 1,010 of the larger U.S. foundations, are highlighted here.
This report also includes a brief examination of of government funding for the arts from 1992 to 2006 by Kelly Barsdate of NASAA.